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Shire of Dundas Visitor Site Development Masterplan

The Shire of Dundas is centred on Norseman – which has been known as a gold mining town since the early 1900s.  However, across the decades mining has proven to be an unreliable foundation for the community, and in 2016 the Shire contracted Kulbardi Hill Consulting to prepare a Visitor Site Development Plan.  This project was built around the understanding that streams of tourists were arriving in (or departing from) WA via the Eyre Highway – and that the surrounding Great Western Woodlands offered a unique and powerful set of as-yet untapped opportunities.

Working closely with elected members, Shire staff, the Ngadju people and the general community, Jesse and Sally set out to identify key sites and projects that would over time grow a more stable base upon which the local economy could grow.  The final Plan provided a staged and prioritised set of outcomes, each fully costed and with detailed design drawings.  Yet while the project sought to attract and retain visitors, it also set out to develop assets for – and skills within – the local community.  This dual-focus is almost always a cornerstone of Kulbardi Hill’s work, and remains at the heart of Jesse and Sally’s intentions for all their clients.

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